Mountaineer Psychological Services


Referral Forms

 Submit your information here —no need for a medical referral

Please carefully select form. If you are seeking evaluation and therapy services, please complete both forms

Therapy Referral Form

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Step 1 of 6
Please complete this form only if you are seeking mental health treatment in the form of individual or couples therapy/counseling. If you would like to request a comprehensive evaluation with psychological assessment, please complete the Evaluation Referral form instead. If you would like an evaluation and therapy services, please complete both forms. Please note we do not have any prescribing providers, so we cannot offer any medications. We also do have currently have any providers for family therapy.
Patient Name
Please indicate if the person prefers to be addressed by a nickname, uses middle name, goes by a different name, etc.
Type of Therapy Requested
Please identify what type of treatment you are interested in.
Who is authorized to provide consent for this patient?
Adults must complete their own referrals (i.e., an appointment cannot be made by a parent, spouse, friend, etc. for another adult unless they have guardianship). Children in foster or kinship placement need to have consent from the person/agency with medical decision-making authority.
Treatment is:
Adults and children should be made aware of and agree to participate in therapy/counseling services. Therapy/counseling should not be used as a threat or consequence.
Gender Identity
Needed for some insurance verification. Will not be shared. Enter zeros if not available or you prefer not to share online.

Evaluation Referral Form

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Step 1 of 8
Please complete this form only if you are seeking a comprehensive evaluation with psychological assessment. If you are seeking treatment, please complete the Therapy Referral form instead. If you are looking for both services, please complete both forms.
Patient Name
Please indicate if the person prefers to be addressed by a nickname, uses middle name, goes by a different name, etc.
This referral is for
We do not currently offer evaluations for children under the age of 5.
Who is authorized to provide consent for this patient?
Adults must complete their own referrals (i.e., an appointment cannot be made by a parent, spouse, friend, etc. for another adult unless they have guardianship). Children in foster or kinship placement need to have consent from the person/agency with medical decision-making authority.
This evaluation is:
Needed for some insurance verification. Enter zeros if you prefer not to provide online.
If a provider recommended you be evaluated, you will be able to indicate that in a different field. The Referral Source on this form should be the person completing the form.
Provider/Advocate Referral
If you are a medical or mental health provider, case worker, attorney, probation officer, etc. you can use this abbreviated referral form. We will use the information provided to connect with the person being referred to complete their own full therapy or evaluation referral. If this is for a forensic evaluation, please complete the full evaluation referral form.
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Your Name
This form is for providers/advocates only. If you are seeking services for yourself or your child, please complete the full evaluation or therapy form
Referral is for
The person being referred is
Client Name
Client Date of Birth
Please provide client email so we may contact them to complete the full referral form.
Please briefly describe the symptoms the client is experiencing and the service(s) requested.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please attach any relevant records or information here.
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